# Agora Yaml - If you add an ```agora.yaml``` to your [[digital garden]] repository you can use it to configure how the [[agora]] integrates it. - a [[project]] - [[bmann]] suggested adding [[yaml]] support to the [[agora]]. - [[go]] https://github.com/bmann/bmcgarden/blob/master/agora.yaml - [[p0]] - It will [[unblock]] many things. - It is a valuable [[design contribution]] from [[bmann]]. - https://github.com/flancian/agora/issues/2 - there's several [[aspects]] to this: - an `agora.yaml` in a garden tells any agora how the garden wishes to be integrated, and how its owner wants to use the [[agora]] - a `gardens.yaml` in an agora configures the [[agora]] in question to interact with a set of data sources. - [[push]] [[agora feature requests]] - [[idea]] take [[blog posts]] like https://github.com/bmann/bmcgarden/blob/master/_posts/blog/2011-10-11-turning-the-corner-on-ebook-buying.md and integrate them into the date-stripped node, plus perhaps a link from within the date ([[2011-10-11]] in this example).